Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Old signs...

These are a sneak peek inside the empty shop we are using for our upcoming exhibition, I'll be spending a lot of time there this weekend in preparation. I love some of the old signage in there, especially the Salora sign. It used to be a TV repair shop but it looks like it would have made a good private detectives office with the wood cladding! Very excited to be working with this person again, looking forward to seeing what will develop as we start to install the work.
Also got a package at the weekend of some samples for a fabric design I've been working on, can't wait to do some sewing with it, more coming soon!

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Saturday, 27 August 2011


Saturday has been spent making presents for friends, wrapping parcels and sewing new cushions. Oh, and eating rice pudding for tea, building up energy for a bike big ride tomorrow!

Wednesday, 24 August 2011


Work developing for up coming project - lots of little collecions forming.

Saturday, 20 August 2011


Lots and lots of apples from the in-laws garden waiting to be made into lovely things for the freezer.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011


Not sure what its like in your little corner of the globe, but here in the north of England, this morning felt decidedly autumnal - which just isn't on. As much as I like autumn, we just have not had enough summer yet, I really think the weather should start trying harder. I'm not sure if its the terrible weather, or the 'nearly time to go back to school' mentality that we must have had programmed into to us years ago, but I have to say I'm in rather a reflective mood. I'm having a week of circulating those age old questions, how do we find a balance in our life, do what we want whilst still paying the mortgage etc etc. Somebody told me the other day the gap between what we have and we want is what motivates us in life, and I know that this is very true, but sometimes I wish the gap was a little smaller! I realise that there are no real answers to these questions, and that we just have to plod away at it, but I think its important to acknowledge the difficulties in the creative life, the sacrifices we make and share them with like minded people. Basically, I'm having a moan, feel from to moan back at me!

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Something in the pipe line...

Something I'm working on means I'm looking back on childhood photos for inspiration and stories. Yes that is me a long time ago!

Friday, 12 August 2011

One day there was a bird...

He's not totally sure what he's doing or where he's going yet, but he's made an appearance in this work, so we'll see where it goes...
He may well be going through some of the same issues as are being discussed over here, he's a very philosophical little bird.  Perhaps I should call him Pip, and yes I know but it can be a boy's name too...

Tuesday, 9 August 2011


There's some very strange things happening in the world today, escape to your imagination...

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Gentle Saturdays...

Spent a lovely Saturday with my fairy god child, walking to the swings, eating vegetables from the garden and general gentle times. Ready for a whole day of making tomorrow, in preparation for an upcoming project.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Tuesday, 2 August 2011